Congratulations at the ‘Deutscher Mittelstands-Summit’: Ranga Yogeshwar congratulated Evosys Laser GmbH from Erlangen on its TOP 100 award. The award ceremony took place on Friday, June 23, in Augsburg. EVOSYS is the defending champion and has been awarded the TOP 100 quality seal for the second time.
Erlangen, Germany. June 2023:
More than 500 companies applied for the business award, and 300 companies ultimately prevailed and received the TOP 100 2023 seal at the beginning of the year. Ranga Yogeshwar now congratulated the top innovators personally on this success as part of the ‘Deutscher Mittelstands-Summit’ in Augsburg. The science journalist accompanies the innovation competition as a mentor.
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration had examined the innovation management and innovation success of the applicants on the basis of more than 100 criteria in five categories. A central question here is whether a company approaches innovation work in a planned manner and, for example, establishes appropriate innovation-friendly structures and framework conditions in-house.
In the scientific selection process, Evosys Laser was particularly convincing in the size category B (51 to 200 employees) in the “innovation success” category. The company is now among the top innovators for the second time, making it one of the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany. This is an extraordinary achievement.
EVOSYS brings together plastics expertise, laser technology, optics, digitization and mechanical engineering. The offering includes modular laser systems, complemented by design consulting, process development and after-sales services. Since the last TOP 100 award in 2020, Evosys’ workforce has grown by more than half, and sales have increased by 60 percent in the last two years. Despite rising production costs and fragile supply chains, the company has come through the difficult times well thanks to high adaptability.
“We consider ourselves as an innovation leader on the market and will continue to advance the technology of laser plastic welding in the future,” EVOSYS Managing Directors Frank Brunnecker and Holger Aldebert are certain.
The TOP 100 competition is organized annually by compamedia, an independent agency. Further information can be found at
Evosys Laser GmbH develops and manufactures customized systems for laser welding of plastics at its Erlangen site. With its employees’ many years of market and process experience, the company offers creative and innovative solutions worldwide for integration into automation solutions. A service package ranging from design consulting to sample production in the company’s own technical center rounds off the range of products and services.
The company was awarded the Bavarian Innovation Prize in 2022 for its patented AQW laser welding process. Likewise, it received the BAYERNS BEST 50 award. In 2020, EVOSYS was TOP 100 Innovation Champion for the 1st time. There were also nominations for coveted business awards such as ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes’ or the Bavarian Founders Award. There are intensive contacts with the university location Erlangen-Nuremberg and the ‘Bayerisches Laser Zentrum’.
The Evosys Group currently consists of four companies, the parent company Evosys Laser GmbH, the subsidiary Evosys Laser Services GmbH and the subsidiaries Evosys (Suzhou) Laser System Co., Ltd. in China and Evosys North America Corp. in the USA.
About TOP 100:
Since 1993, compamedia has been awarding the TOP 100 seal to medium-sized companies for special innovative strength and above-average innovation success. Since 2002, scientific management has been in the hands of Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke. Franke is the founder and director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. With 26 research awards and over 200 publications, he is one of the leading innovation researchers internationally. The mentor of TOP 100 is science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar. Project partners are the Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research and the BVMW association of small and medium-sized enterprises. The magazines ‘manager magazin’ and ‘impulse’ accompany the company comparison as media partners, ‘ZEIT für Unternehmer’ is a cooperation partner.
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