Evosys Laser GmbH from Erlangen (Bavaria) has been awarded the “BAYERNS BEST 50” prize. The prize is presented annually by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy to the 50 fastest-growing medium-sized companies in Bavaria. The decisive factor was that the number of employees and the turnover in the EVOSYS Group could be increased above average within the last years.
Erlangen, July 2022: The Erlangen-based company develops and manufactures laser welding systems for processing plastics. These are used, for example, in the automotive, medical technology or consumer product industries. Laser welding of plastics is an established and widely used manufacturing process. It is valued above all for its reliability, cleanliness and cost-effectiveness.
EVOSYS has now been honored with the “BAYERNS BEST 50” award. The aim of the business award is to promote entrepreneurial responsibility and thus create opportunities for growth and employment. Almost 7,000 companies were invited to submit their applications. The award is given to particularly high-growth medium-sized companies, that have been able to increase the number of their employees and their sales above average in recent years.
The award ceremony took place on Tuesday, July 26 at Schloss Schleißheim in Munich. An independent jury, the German auditing firm Mazars, had selected the winners in advance. The Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Hubert Aiwanger, personally congratulated the winners and presented them with the coveted business award.
“We consider the award ‘BAYERNS BEST 50’ as a great recognition for our entrepreneurial achievements so far, especially under the challenging conditions of the last years”, Frank Brunnecker and Holger Aldebert, managing directors of Evosys Laser GmbH, are pleased.
More information about the price can be found on: https://www.stmwi.bayern.de/wettbewerbe/bayerns-best-50/