As a market leader in know-how, we are pleased to share our knowledge with you. We are convinced that well-informed users of the technology laser welding of plastics are more successful in the long term.

The following table provides a chronological overview of the topics currently available. You can access our information archive simply and quickly by sending us a short inquiry via our contact form.

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30.10.2020Automation solutions for laser plastic welding
15.10.2020Portal application report – needle-free nozzle
15.09.2020Glass fiber-reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide made weldable
15.07.2020HAAS application report – laser welded siphon
20.09.20192 µm welding of uncolored plastics
18.02.2019Automotive Application: Simply tightly connected
11.12.2018Next Generation Optics – saving 30% cycle time
09.05.2018Welding of radially symmetrical parts
09.09.2017Clamping technique for laser plastic welding with scanner